
August, 2020, Nanjing

Dr. Shuang Wang joined our lab for her post doctoral research after obtaining her PhD at Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry Chinese Academy of Sciences. Welcome!

Graduate students Xue ZhangHualun LiYifan YuYide HuangWenhong Cao, Zhaoqiu GongYuanyuan Tang, Sichang Yang, Xurong Zhu joined our lab. Welcome!

August, 2019, Nanjing

Dr. Kai Li joined our lab for his post doctoral research after completing his PhD at China University of Geosciences. Welcome!

Graduate students Ziqi Xu, Zhaoyu Zhou, Xuehui Yan, Xiaolin Xie, Shujing Huang, Xiaoxue Hu, Peng Liu, Zhi Chen joined our lab. Welcome!

June 4th, 2019, Nanjing

Wei Xu and Zhaoyu Zhou defended their bachelor degrees successfully. Congratulations to them!

April 27th, 2019, Zhenjiang

Group outing with Prof. Keyu Xia’s team.


December 25th, 2018, Nanjing

The year of 2018 closes with the Christmas party. Hope all the best for 2019!